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Boyz n the Hood (1991) - Movie Review

Boyz n the Hood was released in 1991 and was directed by John Singleton. The movie is about three young men, Tre, Doughboy and Ricky who are trying to cope with the dangerous society that they live in and find a way to overcome it.


One thing I loved about this film was how honest it was. It wasn't afraid to display the reality of situations which were indeed happening in real life. I think a reason it was so realistic was the fact that much of it was based off the director's own life. Speaking of the director, this was his debut film and to say this was his first he did a great job. He was also the youngest person ever to be nominated for an Academy Award at the time too.


All of the cast gave great performances, the one who surprised me the most was Ice Cube. If you knew that Ice Cube was in the movie and your reaction was "That isn't going to work any day", then I take it you've only seen the Ride Along movies. I was surprised by how sincere his character and acting was and I think the conflicts he had to face with the N.W.A and the police in the past added to his character as his character is someone who has had many run-ins with the police in the past. Another performance I was surprised by was Laurence Fishburne as the main character Tre's (Cuba Gooding Jr.) father. He displayed the qualities of a good father and someone who managed to connect with the character of Tre in multiple situations. It's probably my personal favourite performance of his that I've seen.


Like I mentioned earlier, this movie wasn't afraid to display the truth and it did it well, with many emotionally intense scenes and also many surprisingly relatable ones too. It displayed perfectly the difficulty of life for everyone living there and you felt for their characters. It also provides a good message of the right way to fight back against all of these bad things.

I believe that the themes of this movie will likely stay relevant for quite a while and they can be applicable to just about anyone too and this is the reason why I think that this movie will remain important for many years to come. No wonder it's apart of the Sony Classics Collection.


Overall, this was a much deeper film than I expected to see that wasn't afraid to show the realism of situations that were also going on in the real world and carried across a good and moving message. I would highly recommend this film.




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